How to Protect Yourself From STDs

How to Protect Yourself From STDs

What you need to know about sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, cause irritating symptoms, but they can also result in severe illness or even death. Abstaining from sex STDsis the most fool-proof way to avoid an STD, but this is not always possible or practical. You can protect yourself from STDs in other ways by following a few simple steps. Your doctor wants you to stay safe by:

  • Always using condoms when you have sex, because condoms are highly effective in preventing STDs.
  • Practicing mutual monogamy, because having only one sex partner dramatically reduces your chances of being exposed to STDs, as long as you and your partner are uninfected
  • Limiting your number of sex partners, because fewer sex partners reduces your risk of exposure to STDs
  • Get vaccinated, because the vaccine to prevent HPV is both safe and effective to protect against cervical cancer

One of the most important ways to protect yourself and others from transmitting STDs is to get tested. Testing can aid in early diagnosis and treatment of STDs, which can result in a better treatment outcome.Your doctor wants you to consider STD testing for you and your partner before having sex for the first time. You should also consider STD testing if you have had:

  • Sex without using protection
  • Sex with multiple partners, or sex with a partner who is not monogamous
  • Intravenous drug use yourself, or sex with a partner who has used intravenous drugs

It’s important to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, but it is just as important to be able to recognize when you might have an STD. Your doctor wants you to be able to recognize some of the common symptoms of STDs, including:

  • Penile or vaginal discharge
  • Genital sores
  • Burning and Itching during urination

You can have an STD and not have any symptoms. The only way to know for sure is to get tested by your doctor. You and your partner both deserve to enjoy sex and remain healthy. Visit your doctor to get tested and find out more about how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. Call today!

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