What are My Chances with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

What are My Chances with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

If you are having issues conceiving find out if fertility treatments are the next best option.

According to a CNN article published back in 2014, there is a record number of babies being born via IVF. If you and your partner have been IVFtrying to get pregnant for over a year without success then it might be time you talked to an OBGYN about whether IVF could improve your chances.

What types of infertility can IVF handle?

There are many reasons why a couple could be infertile. IVF may be a great option for you if you or your partner are dealing with any of these issues:

  • Low sperm count or motility
  • Uterine or fallopian tube issues (e.g. uterine fibroids; fallopian tube blockage)
  • Ovulation disorders
  • Antibodies that attack the sperm or egg
  • Endometriosis
  • Genetic disorders

What affects the success of IVF?

The age of the woman will be a factor in the success rate of IVF. Women under the age of 35 will have a higher success rate (41- 43 percent) than a woman over the age of 40 years old (13 to 18 percent). Women between the ages of 35 to 37 have a 33-36 percent success rate while women ages 38 to 40 have a 23-27 percent success rate. Of course, as techniques continue to advance and improve, we are finding that success rates in every age group have grown.

What is involved in IVF?

There are five steps to the IVF process:

  • Your fertility specialist will prescribe fertility medications to stimulate egg production.
  • The eggs will be retrieved through minor surgery.
  • The male will provide a sperm sample, which will be combined with the egg.
  • During insemination, the lab will mix the sperm and egg together to fertilize the egg. Once the eggs have fertilized they are called embryos.
  • Then the embryos are inserted into the uterus about 3-5 days after fertilization.

Learn more about IVF, the fertility treatment that is helping more and more couples be able to conceive. Talk to your gynecologist about whether IVF is right for you.

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